Landscape Expressions Fertilizer & Weed HOME      
    - Backhoe Service
    - Bobcat Service
    - Bush Removal
    - Commercial Lawns
    - Drainage
    - Drywells
    - Fertilizer & Weed
    - Grading
    - Holiday Lighting
    - Land Clearing
    - Landscape Design
    - Landscape Services
    - Lawn Services
    - Mulch
    - Patios
    - Planting
    - Ponds
    - R R Tie Walls
    - Rock Walls
    - Seeding
    - Snow Plowing
    - Sod Installation
    - Tree Care
    - Top Soil
    - Walkways
    - Waterfalls
Licensed & Insured
License: 123456H
  If you're not happy with the quality of your lawn, we can help. Our fertilizer and weed control packages take the guess work out of a lush green lawn. We supply pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control to keep your lawn healthy all year round. We also provide localized treatment for trouble spots along with free advice on thatch management and watering guidelines.